Vitamin C infusion

Vitamin C infusion therapy

American Linus Pauling, who won two Nobel Prizes, believed that we need a daily dose of approximately 10g of Vitamin C for ideal maintenance of the body. This dose is commonly produced by animals of similar weight (e.g. goats and sheep). However, textbooks regularly state a daily Vitamin C requirement of 60-80 mg. This dose can be easily secured through a balanced diet with sufficient fruit and vegetables. But in recent years, there has been a plethora of studies demonstrating that in many pathological conditions the body requires a many-fold higher quantity of Vitamin C – closer to the quantity Linus Pauling expounded in his theory. The recommended dose for cancer patients is many-fold higher yet.

Why infusions – isn’t orally administered Vitamin C enough?

Oral administration of Vitamin C provides only low concentrations of Vitamin C to the blood due to the limited transport mechanism of the intestines. This concentration is enough to ensure regular (physiological) effects, but not preventative and therapeutic effects (i.e. anti-infection, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour). To achieve therapeutic effects from Vitamin C, a concentration almost 15 times greater must be created in the blood – which is possible only through intravenous application.

When should a Vitamin C infusion be applied?

Vitamin C infusion treatment is intended as a supporting treatment for many diseases (e.g. relapsing infections, allergies, arthritis, atherosclerosis, tumours) as well as exhaustion and burnout syndrome.

Infusion treatment also facilitates collagen formation.

Infusion treatment aids targeted liquidation of cancer cells and acts against metastasis, an effect that is associated with Vitamin C’s ability to block tumour angiogenesis (the tumour is unable to form new blood vessels and spread).
